Obscure Glass

If you are not seeing the obscure glass that you like, please contact us for more options.

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Glass Colors

Add a touch of excitement to your clear glass by adding a little bit of color. We have an extensive variety of glass color for any project. 

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Annealed Glass

Also known as standard glass that breaks into longer jagged shards.

Tempered Glass

Saftey glass that is 4X strong than annealed shatters into small pieces.

Laminated Glass

A type of safety glass that has two layers of glass with polymer interlayers. When broken glass, the glass fragments generally is held together by the interlayer.

Low Impact Security Glass

We use Riot custom-made security glass and framing designs that provide maximum protection against forced entry and ballistic threats.

This is the leading-edge technology that can adapt to almost any existing retail storefront, school, commercial property, or residential window or glass door.

Insulated Unit or Double-Pane Glass

Two or more panes of glass seperated by sealed air space to reduce heat/cold transfer.

Low-E Glass

A reflective coating that works with UV rays and the angle of the sun to reflect away or inwords, helps to control tempratures inside the building.

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